Saturday, February 04, 2006

First Taste of a Velvet Apple

This fruit looks and feels magnificent - it really does feel like velvet, deep rich red velvet, which is a rough velvet rather than the smooth nap we are used to.

Our tree had produced its very first fruit and I had never tasted it before, so a great sense of anticipation. Cut a wedge - smooth texture like a firm avocado, with a smell similar to rockmelon. And the taste?
Well at first sensation you think of apple but it is much smoother and waxier than an apple, then the rockmelon flavour cuts in.

Finally a taste which you can't quite put your finger on - not that pleasant either - perhaps a tang of cleaning fluid or something similar. It is this final part of the taste which makes you realise why there are not thousands of hectares under cultivation. An interesting fruit to grow and to have and to eat on the odd occasion, but not one that you would rave about.

Oh well - it will be great to have on the fruit tasting anyway, just for the texture and the rich red colour. Posted by Picasa

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