Friday, June 29, 2007

Temperatures plummet

Last night the thermometer dropped to 12 degrees celsius. A fantastic cold snap to remind me of why I left Melbourne 20 years ago, and I snuggled under the feather doona that has been pressed into service after being packed away for the last 20 years.

Now brilliant blue skies for the whole day - the first day in weeks without a rain shower. We are hoping that this cold snap will force the flowering on the Mangosteens - here's hoping for a November harvest.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

New season fruit - soursop

Here is the latest collection of fruit in season for the fruit tasting. We have lots of soursops to be harvested at the moment. You can see the soursop in the bowl - the green one at the bottom with the bumps all over it. We are picking about 6 cartons a week. It's great to have soursop on the fruit tasting again - everyone's favourite on the menu.
The messy bit is the processing of the fruit to get the juice. You have to push the pulp through a moule or a sieve to remove the cotton wool fibre and the seeds. What is left is the most fantastic juice - perfect for a daiquiri - and also for sauces, cheesecakes and jams. Once again soursop jam is available for sale to fruit tasters after the tasting.