Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Cycling the Great Glen Way

We decided to cross Scotland from west to east on bicycle via the Great Glen Way which goes from Fort William on the west to Inverness on the east - about 80 miles, a lot of it along a very old canal built in the 1830s which is still used for boats today. Bicycles seemed a better option than walking along the canal for miles. We took three days to do it, and had some great moments flying down hills - the cycle track detoured off into the nearby mountains and used forestry tracks whenever the opportunity arose. Some of the memorable moments:

The deer in the ditch - still alive and alert. We assume it had been hit by a car and we rang national parks who were going out to check it - I still wonder what the outcome was
The traffic on the main roads - no shoulder on scottish roads so absolutely scary to cycle
The steep hills to push the bike up - sometimes a 60 degree slope
The exhilaration of the downhill runs which went for kilometers - and getting scared at the speed - jamming the brakes on and hoping they hold
The ness islands on the outskirts of Inverness -

However it was really hard work - not sure that I see myself as a cyclist with a future. I prefer a bit more luxury

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous3:05 AM

    I so know what you mean. I cycled the GGW the other week and was a broken woman afterwards. Downhills: great. Up hills: too many!
